jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Happy thanksgiving

El ingles ha vuelto a mi memoria asi como aquellos recuerdos que parecian olvidados en el pasado. Un ejemplo es el thanksgiving day. Aqui en europa logicamente no se celebra; pero en USA era simplemente una manera de celebrar y dar gracias por lo que se tiene en esos momentos. La tradicion de thanksgiving day; y el reunirse con los seres queridos era incluso mas importante que la navidad; ya que es celebrada tanto por judios como cristianos u otro tipo de religion. Me acuerdo de ese dia con cierto anhelo al pensar en el pavo asado que nos preparo la tia de mi amiga katelyn; la cual me invito a pasar ese dia con su familia. Fue una noche especial que al recordarla y al pensar el verdadero significado de ella; me hace ver que verdaderamente soy afortunada a pesar de que haya cosas de mi vida que todavia no terminan de arrancar.

Tengo una familia estupenda, unos amigos de los que mas de uno tendria envidia y encima el amor me sonrie. Se que tengo razones para quejarme del dolor de espalda o de que el trabajo no termina de salir; pero a fin de cuentas; la vida no se hace en dos dias; asi que toca en dias como hoy decir gracias por lo que tengo; que en los tiempos que corren no es poco.

Feliz dia de Accion de gracias!!

English has returned to my mind again, therefore the old memories, forgotten and hided in the past, also have come. A good example is the memories around Thanksgiving Day. Here in Europe, logically, is not part of our tradition, but in USA this celebration was a great way to say thanks for the things that one person has. The Thanksgiving day tradition is a strong and successful one; which makes each family of the USA stay together for dinner that night. Maybe that’s because it’s a tradition that can be celebrated no matter which is your religion. Even if you are Jewish or Christian, you can celebrate the Thanksgiving Day. I remember my TKday in USA with a kind of pity, coming up to my mind the images of a huge roast turkey cooked by my friend’s aunt. This friend of mine, Katelyn, invited me with another Spanish girl, to her family dinner. It was definitely a special night. When I remember it I always realized the real meaning of it: I have to feel thankful and lucky for the things that I have, even if my life has not really started to run.
I have a wonderful family; great friends, and love. I know that I have reasons to complain about back aches, or about my few lucky in the work search. However; at the end, I think that life is not made in two days, so it’s necessary than in days like today we have to thanks for things that we have, which, nowadays is weird to find.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

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