viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Les incorrects

La semana que viene comienza la semana del fooding! y vosotros os preguntareis "pero eso que es?" . Es una iniciativa propuesta hace un par de años por la ONG Lucha contra el hambre en colaboración con . Esta semana se titula "los incorrectos" haciendo un poco hincapié con ese título de aquellos, que a pesar de no poder hacer gran cosa para ayudar a otras personas que pasan hambre, intentan poner un granito de arena haciendo lo que otros deberían tener derecho:comer.
La iniciativa no es solo innovadora sino además muy tentadora. Se realizan diversas actividades por todo París a lo largo de la semana del 30 al 4 de noviembre con el único propósito de recaudar fondos para la ONG. Entre los diferentes espectáculos que se dearrollan están "el chef enmascarado" "el cocinero clandestino""petalos de caballo" "mantequilla en todo" y otras actividades más.

A mi especialmente me gustaria ir el viernes a la del cocinero enmascarado. Pagando solo 10 euros de entrada, y con reservacion previa, podras asistir a una preparacion de un plato realizada por un chef de renombre. El problema es que el el chef estará enmascarado y con su capa mientras elabora el plato. La receta sera tan arriesgada que el chef en sí nunca la ha puesto en su carta en su restaurante, simplemente lo hará para está ocasión especial. Al final de la velada el chef se desenmascara dejando todo el secreto de su obra firmada finalmente por un autor.

A que es curiosa la iniciativa?? Alguien se apunta??

Os dejo el sitio web para aquellos que lo quieran ojear, a pesar de que esta todo en frances!

Mil besos!!

Next week will begin fooding’s week! And you will be thinking: “but what the hell is that?”It is an initiative proposed by the ONG Fight against hunger in collaboration with . This week is called "the impolites"; making a point with this title to all those people who cannot help to those people who suffer the hunger. With this initiative, this “rude” people will try to change a lit bit the situation of others by collaborating with this event doing one thing that everyone in this world should have the right to do: to eat

The idea is not just innovative but also it is really tempting. There are several activities in all Paris along the week of 30th to the 4th December; with the only purpose of getting Money for the ONG. Between the different activities that it would be developed are “the masked Chef” “the clandestine chef” “Horse’s petals” “Butter in everywhere” and some other activities.

I would like specially next Friday to “the masked chef” show. By paying 10 Euros for your ticket, and previously booked, you can assist to the preparation of a unique and new recipe by an important chef. The tricky thing is that the chef will be masked; and also he will wear a cape (like the one that heroes have). The recipe will be so risky that the chef himself had never tried to put it in the menu of his restaurant, for the risky character of it. He’ll cook it just for this special occasion. At the end of the evening, the chef will quit his mask, leaving all the secret of his recipe sign by him.

Isn’t it a curious initiative? Does somebody want to come with me?

I put here the link of the website of this event. There it is all the program for if you want to look to them. The only thing is that everything is in French; so I wish that if you are interested in it; you know something about Moliere’s language!


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