Podemos escucharlo en la tele, en el supermercado, en la calle, o podemos verlo en ZARA, HM o simplemente en nuestros armarios. La primavera ha vuelto. Alergias y envidias comienzan a aparecer alrededor nuestra como flores comienzan a florecer. En el pasado invierno perdí lectores porque no actualice tanto como debería haberlo hecho, pero las razones son que tuve que preparar un examen para demostrar como de buena puedo llegar a ser. Los resultados han sido extraños y diferentes de cómo me hubieran gustado. Pero el mundo sigue rodando, la gente sigue luchando, y yo….yo sigo en Paris trabajando por mi futuro.
Como he dicho, las flores están floreciendo. Es tiempo de quitarte los pesados abrigos; los jerséis gruesos, las botas enormes (bueno, las botas me hacen dudar porque sigue lloviendo incluso en primavera) y los fantasmas del pasado. Es el tiempo de levantarse y volver a la vida como está haciendo la naturaleza. Tengo mil cosas que hacer y sé por dónde debo comenzar: escribir en mi blog (casi) cada día. Bienvenidos a la nueva temporada de “María en Paris”
Spring has arrived
We can hear on the TV, on the supermarket, in the street, or we can see in Zara, in HM or simply in our wardrobe. The spring has returned. Allergic and envy begin to appear around us like flowers start to bloom. In the last part of winter I have lost a lot of readers because I haven’t upload as much as I should have, but the reasons are that I have to prepare an exam to show how good I can become. The results have be awkward and different as I would like them to be.
The world keeps turning, people still fighting, and me… I still in Paris working for my future.
Like I said, flowers are blooming. It is the time to get off the heavy coat, the thick pulls, the huge boots (well, the boots I still doubting because it keeps raining even if it is spring) and past ghosts. It is time to waking up and return to life like the nature is doing. I have a thousand things to do and I know from where to start: to write in my blog (almost) everyday. Welcome to the new season of “Mary in Paris”
Like I said, flowers are blooming. It is the time to get off the heavy coat, the thick pulls, the huge boots (well, the boots I still doubting because it keeps raining even if it is spring) and past ghosts. It is time to waking up and return to life like the nature is doing. I have a thousand things to do and I know from where to start: to write in my blog (almost) everyday. Welcome to the new season of “Mary in Paris”
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