I have an important exam this Friday and I am kind of freaking out. I have surfed by internet in the research of some techniques to keep me cool or just simply to keep my stress feelings away. There are some techniques that I already knew, even I usually practice (makes schedules of my time, don’t do two things at the same time, breathing in a plastic bag, etc). Otherwise, there are some techniques really interesting that can even answered some situations that we face daily.
Don’t drink caffeine. It can be obvious for some people but it was not for me. At least until now, I always need my cup of coffee in order to have a good day without sleeping in all the corners. I’m a sleepy person, what else can I said!? So I always had twice a day a big mug with caffeine and a little of milk. The result you can imagine. Stress, stress and more stress. With investigation I have found why.Caffeine has a negative effect in our brain giving anxiety sensation in some cases. So from now on, I will remove coffees from my diet. I will see how it works.
Go out at least once a day. Look the scenery, walk around a different area that the one you are used to see, look colorful things, keep a constant breathing rhythm…and if you don’t have enough time to going out because you are just really MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINED stressed (welcome to the club), just get out of the metro one stop before yours. And if it’s extremely cold outside that you can neither manage that option (again…welcome to the club) you can go to a library. It is always a peaceful place, nobody talks and you just can pick that book that always cheers you up. In my case, I love Quino’s books. Quino is a comic artist who has really funnies stories just for makes you happier or at least more comfortable with the world.
See your friends at least once a week. I have recently felt that I’ve started to don’t see my friends as often I should. They always make me feel positive and they take the best from me. Problems go away when you are with friends. But you, my dear reader, can think ”yeah…that’s great…meet up with your friends in order to get your stress away…but what will happen when you return to that routine that makes you feel stress?”
My answer… you will be happier. It is as simple as that. Also you will see things in a different angle, you will organize better your week, and your energy will be more powerful.
These are just few tips but not a holy way that can makes miracles. The first step to get out your stress begins with you. Take care of yourself and think why are you doing the thing that makes you feel stress and how powerful is the reward that you’ll get from it for your esteem.
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