Hecho de menos el escribir en mi blog..sigo con el master, pero hecho de menos el poder decir lo que me sorprende, lo que quiero compartir con todos, lo que me apetece que todos sepais. Y no es egocentrismo…sino ganas de compartir, ganas de deciros quizas « ei, si quereis ahorrar un poco mas en el siguiente viaje probar a hacer lo siguiente… » o bien « ei, en la tele francesa no sale ni la esteban ni sus amigos, pero si reportajes de la reina Victoria, la cual estaba super enamorada de su marido que en realidad era su primo » Vamos, que tengo ganas de poder COMPARTIR impresiones con aquellos que leais esto. Y digo COMPARTIR, porque creo que compartiendo opiniones podemos obtener una riqueza de pensamiento…pero hay que tener una apertura de espiritu para que asi sea.
I miss to write on my blog…I’m finishing my master, but I miss to say what surprizes me, what I want to share with everyone, what I would love to let you know. And this is not egocentrism…but just the need of sharing, the need of saying “Ey, if you want to save a little bit money in the next trip , you should do this…” or “Ey, on the french TV we don’t care about jersey Shore guys but about the Queen Victoria, and how she was so in love of his husband, who was also his cousin.”In global, I just want to SHARE with you my impressions, and I say SHARE, because I think sharing opinions we can obtain better ideas and better conclusions…but for let this happen, we have to be open-minded.
I miss to write on my blog…I’m finishing my master, but I miss to say what surprizes me, what I want to share with everyone, what I would love to let you know. And this is not egocentrism…but just the need of sharing, the need of saying “Ey, if you want to save a little bit money in the next trip , you should do this…” or “Ey, on the french TV we don’t care about jersey Shore guys but about the Queen Victoria, and how she was so in love of his husband, who was also his cousin.”In global, I just want to SHARE with you my impressions, and I say SHARE, because I think sharing opinions we can obtain better ideas and better conclusions…but for let this happen, we have to be open-minded.